Message from the Mayor's Office

Office of the Mayor

My fellow Carey citizens,

I am grateful for every public official that has put in time and effort on our behalf. Current and past. It takes courage and personal sacrifice.

As your mayor, my mission is to facilitate the creation of a clear, purposeful VISION of Carey. A vision based on values we cherish. Neighbors we love (new and old), traditions we treasure and a bright social and economic future.

This includes CHANGE. Changing some of the existing circumstances, perspectives and statutes that do not support this vision.

But this VISION isn't mine. It's OURS.

I submitted my candidacy to represent the interests and welfare of this community, not my own. So when WE decide what changes should be made, we can bring that VISION to fruition.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of that process. I promise to see you. I promise to hear you. Together, we can create our future on purpose.

For more information on my political views, please follow my facebook page Sara Mecham for Mayor @missionvisionvalues.


What's your vision of Carey? What do you like about our community? What are some things you would like changed?